Hello World
It wouldn’t be a first blog post without a “Hello World” post, right? And what better way to do that than with a super zoomed in photo of my face?! 😂 It’s been a while, and I lost everything in my transition from my old host to my new. But I’m finally ready to get started making Psyche Plays a thing again.
What do I plan to do with Psyche Plays?
First of all, I want to focus on gaming and tech lifestyle. When I first made the blog (several years ago, yikes) I was really unfocused, and kept going towards reviews that felt less personal. While I’ll still write reviews and opinions from time to time, I’m going to keep things a lot more personal this time. I’ll be sharing what gaming and tech as a lifestyle mean to me. There’ll be bits and pieces about my life transitioning from a “real job” to full-time streaming and freelance writing. I’ll give advice, I’ll be opinionated, and I’ll just post nice screenshots sometimes.
I’m giving myself more freedom, whilst also being more structured. I’ll be putting more planning into what and when I post, but I’ll let myself post whatever I want as well.
When will it be live? Like…really live?
By the end of February, I fully intend on having both this site and my Elite: Dangerous blog/guide/resource site live. So hopefully really soon!
In the meantime, please ignore the mess…
Comments (2)
12th February 2019 at 1:58 am
Sucks you lost the older stuff, but glad to see the blog live again!
12th February 2019 at 4:48 pm
Thanks! I’m super excited to get back into the swing of things again. I’m sad I lost everything else (long story) but at least it gives me a blank slate, right?